Ge Yang

A Fast, Open-source Visualization Tool-box

Meet ML-Dash, a beautiful, message visualization dashboard for all of your ML needs. It works with ML-Logger to support distributed logging from your computing platform of choice -- be it AWS, GCE, or your school's SLURM cluster.

Both ML-Logger and ML-Dash are open-source. This web service makes it easy to share reports and collaborate at real-time.

Getting Started

Signup here


Fast, Distributed Logging, in <3 Seconds!

Just pip install ml-logger then import. Keep all of your message together, logging has never been so easy.

Happy Collaborators, Great Results is our collaboration service that makes writing and sharing your report easy. Connect directly to your own, local ML-Dash instrumentation server, share with anyone using a link.

The PAM Stack, A Modern Open-source ML Tool-chain

Reproducible research begins with open-source infrastructure. We build the tools, so that you can focus on research.

We Integrate with your favorite ML Frameworks!

From pyTorch, to SciKitLearn. We are working with more frameworks to integrate ML-Logger with zero-setup.

Ready to Dive In?

1, 2, 3!